Minco 1.0.3 is out now. A small update that fix some problem and allow filtering on due date in the task list. Also new is a new display scope to show the time spent on a task at a daily base.
4 thoughts on “Minco 1.0.3 released”
Hey, i bought Minco right now througt Mac Update’s promo. I’ve received the license file on my email, but when app try to read the license file, i got an error. Maybe because my name contains a special character. F**á**bio.
What u guys can do to help me avoid this problem?
Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. Yes it’s cause of special character in your name. I will send you a working license.
Thanks a lot, everything is ok now! =)
Congratulations for the app.
Finally i found one that make a nice job with TimeTracking, To-do’s and a good integration with iCal.
Sucess 2 u!
Hi, i have same problem as Fábio ZC. Can you send me correct license file please? Thanks
Hey, i bought Minco right now througt Mac Update’s promo. I’ve received the license file on my email, but when app try to read the license file, i got an error. Maybe because my name contains a special character. F**á**bio.
What u guys can do to help me avoid this problem?
Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. Yes it’s cause of special character in your name. I will send you a working license.
Thanks a lot, everything is ok now! =)
Congratulations for the app.
Finally i found one that make a nice job with TimeTracking, To-do’s and a good integration with iCal.
Sucess 2 u!
Hi, i have same problem as Fábio ZC. Can you send me correct license file please? Thanks