Minco 1.3 is ready for Lion and adds Work-time editing

Minco 1.3 is finally available and offers the long awaited work-time editing functionality.

When Minco 1.0 was released in 2009 it was intended to be a lightweight “real time” time tracker application without any editing facilities. With the tight iCal integration and the flexible output adapter, it was a class of it’s own and there were many users who liked it.

Over the time, there was one big feature request we heard again and again. It was the need to edit work-times in Minco to correct wrong recorder work-times.

The difficulty for us was to let Minco as lightweight as possible and not to make it a standard time tracker as there were many existing before. We started with in application editing but found out that we would have to include additional windows to make work-time editing more comfortable. This was a no go for us and so we decided to enable work-time editing in conjunction with iCal.

So how do this work ?

If you forget to log a work-time for a task, simply open the task list in Minco and drag a task in the iCal window on the day and the time where it’s missing. This gives Minco the opportunity to associate the work-time event to the task and update the internal time and revenue for the task.

To correct the work-times start and end times, simply drag the edges of the work-time event in iCal of use the detail panel for more detailed time editing.

To remove an existing work-times, it’s enough to delete the work-time in iCal.

In all cases you will see that Minco updates the time used for the task immediately in the counter display.

Dependent on the settings of the output adapter, Minco will recognize the work-time changes and publish it.

For the CSV file adapter, you have to activate the delayed and manual export which offers also an option for daily and monthly work-time grouping for a task.

The URL adapter offers the possibility to send update and delete requests to keep the work-times on the web-server up to date.

All this is described in detail in the new added in application help.

The output adapter panel in Minco 1.3 is completely rewritten and offer new token and token formatting options.

Finally we fixed some problems concerning Mac OS X 10.7 Lion to make Minco compatible with the upcoming operating system from Apple.

Minco 1.3 is currently only available on our website. To get Minco 1.3 in the Mac App Store will take some additional days since Minco will have to pass the approval process from Apple.

If you are the owner of a App Store license and would like to use Minco 1.3 today, drop us a mail with your App Store receipt and we will send you a license for the non App Store version of Minco.

Take care,


4 thoughts on Minco 1.3 is ready for Lion and adds Work-time editing

  1. I am selecting all of the Minco Help choices and none of them is working.

    Minco Overview – nothing
    Track Your Time – nothing
    Task Lise – nothing
    Counter Display – nothing
    Customize Counting – nothing
    Customize the Output Adapter – nothing
    Edit Work Time – nothing
    Export CVS data – nothing


  2. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please can you try to download a fresh copy of Minco.
    I assume that the copy on your computer is corrupted side we are not able to reproduce the problem.

    If this will not help please send me a mail that we can see for a solution.

  3. I Purchase Minco v1.2 in December 2010 and run fine in Mountain Lion but when I upgrade to Minco 1.3.8 the program stop working. Please Help

  4. Hi and sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please can you send a mail to us with more details that we can help you.
    There are no known issues concerning Mountain Lion.

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